府開祥瑞 空靈致韻丨德州聯強·陽光一品
Dezhou Lianqiang Sunshine Products
東方府韻 納藏雍華丨吉安·雍華府
Oriental Fuyun Naming Tibetan Yonghua Yongwa House
百鵲來迎 和鳴鏘鏘丨星空·喜園(示范區)
A hundred magpies come to welcome the harmonious and sonorous starry sky · happy garden
國風府韻 禮敬三千繁華丨淄博橡樹·上尚城
五進禮序 墨染閑庭丨宏廈·盛世華府
喜鵲歸寧 星空悅動丨東阿星空·喜園
Xiamen Taihe Tongan ground
高門巍峨 中天華觀丨雅士林·湘府
The door higher The Sky wider 丨 Yashilin · Xiangfu
一半都市 一半花園丨武漢新華·尚水灣
筑夢東方境 情繞水云庭丨綠郡·檀園
Dreaming Oriental Circumstances丨Lvjun · Tanyuan
璽泉見山 瑯鳴逢林丨寶地·璽瑯府
Seal Spring Sees Mountain and Forest 丨Baodi · XILANGFU
體象乎天地 磅礴于日月丨黃石聯虹·天璽
The body is as majestic as the heaven and the earth in the sun and the moon Huangshi Lianhong · seal
時代所譽 萬境歸一丨金能·珠山壹號
Reputation of the times Return to heaven Jinneng · Zhushan No.1